Special zone

Special zone-not located on the territory of any given country.

Use of roaming services from operators with no location on the territory of any given country, i.e. from the following operators:

  • Maritime Communications – Operator from Norway providing services to certain tourist cruise ships.
  • Thuraya – Operator from the United Arab Emirates providing services via satellite.
  • Vodafone Malta Maritime – Operator from Malta providing services to certain tourist cruise ships.
  • Aeromobile AS – operator from Norway providing services available on commercial aircraft with certain airlines.

Commercial terms and conditions:

  • Roaming calls in this zone are charged at 212 MKD/minute for outgoing calls and 100 MKD/minute fоr incoming calls.
  • The cost of a sent SMS message is 55 MKD, whereas effectuated mobile internet traffic is charged at 99 MKD/100KB.
  • The charging interval fоr calls is 60/60 seconds, and the data traffic is charged at a 100KB interval. All prices include VAT.